Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sister and Food


Aaahhhh... so lazy... have been overgaming... Momojin here...

Today I want to talk about my sister. Yepze, a younger sister and only sibling. She's pretty much annoying like any other younger sibling.

She is 1 year younger than me, but acts as though she is 1 year older than me. Sucks... the problem here is I give in. I hardly fight back. I feel like crap sometimes.

There is also her big mouth, where she just simply tells the world everything. I wouldn't mind if the things are about her. BUT nooo, she has to talk so much nonsense concerning me.

Diabolic Sister: Hey you know, Andy likes you. He really does.
Girl: huh?
Andy: wwhhaatt tthhee %$#@%$#@. =_=

There you go a simple illustration.

She has a some really stinky characteristics, but not all are bad... (I am lying to myself T_T ) One thing I love is her cooking. Yup, normally when you have a sibling who loves cooking. The sibling normally cooks something you like too. Examples are muffins and westerns. She is pursuing Culinary arts and I am just sitting back and enjoying her products. Just last night, I had sushi~ Yummy~

There you have it. Mr Momojin's sister. I love you, sis. ^^


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