Saturday, May 17, 2008

Time Crisis


Back again~

Today me school had an essay exam, courtesy of our lovely supervisor, Shermayne. It was all for good intentions. A good old 3 essays within 1 and half hours.

First of all, it was a good first-hand experience in dealing with pressure for most home-schoolers. Home schoolers don't deal with pressure that often, especially exam kinds. Secondly, it is for the sake of home schoolers to practice time management. Thirdly, writing skills.

Anyways, everyone went bonkers after the exam. All started screaming and shouting >_<

Personally, it was a nostalgic thing. The time management thing just kicked back in me, because I was in government school for 9 years and exam was a usual gig. I started off with enthusiasm and started loosing *steam* duringing the last essay. Oh my~

Signing out~ *KIZZ*

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